Resources Articles The Implications of COVID-19 for Mental Health and Substance Use Introduction to the Special Issue on Surf Therapy Around the Globe Surf Therapy: A Scoping Review of the Qualitative and Quantitative Research Evidence Coalition Building in Surf Therapy: A Case Study on Collective Impact “When I was surfing with those guys I was surfing with family.” A Grounded Exploration of Program Theory within the Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation Surf Therapy Intervention Emerging Hope: Outcomes of a One-Day Surf Therapy Program with Youth At-Promise Effects of PTSD and MDD Comorbidity on Psychological Changes during Surf Therapy Sessions for Active Duty Service Members Surf.Art in Portugal: Daring, Accomplishing and Transforming Portuguese Youth and Their Communities Positive Effects of Surfing on Psychological Wellbeing for Children with Developmental Difficulties Intervention Mapping: Using Theory and Evidence to Inform the Ocean Mind Surf Therapy Program for Improving Youth Mental Health Surf Therapy Practice, Research, and Coalition Building: Future Directions