Blue Mind Research & Innovation

Exploring the Science of Water and Well-Being

For years, therapists, wellness practitioners, and researchers have intuitively understood that water has a profound impact on mental and emotional health. Now, through evidence-based research, Allison Bishop Berner is helping to bridge the gap between scientific discovery and practical application, advancing Blue Mind Theory in clinical and therapeutic settings.

Origins of Blue Mind Research

Allison’s journey into Blue Mind research began with her firsthand experiences integrating the theory into ocean and surf therapy sessions. She and her team observed that even clients who did not physically enter the water still experienced powerful benefits simply by being near it.

Inspired by these results, she reached out to Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, the visionary behind Blue Mind Theory, to share her findings. He was deeply supportive of the work she was doing, and together, they began developing the Blue Mind Curriculum—a structured, science-backed program that could be applied in therapeutic, educational, and wellness settings.

Blue Mind Therapy Session Stoked On Life PB

Building the Blue Mind Curriculum

In collaboration with Dr. Nichols, Allison helped shape the foundational framework of the Blue Mind Curriculum (BMC). The curriculum incorporates key elements of Blue Mind Theory, including:

The Seven Forms of Water – Exploring the various ways water influences our emotional and cognitive states
The Three States of Water – How water’s physical properties reflect human adaptability and emotional processing
The Seven Ages of Water – Understanding water’s role in growth, transformation, and connection throughout life

This research-driven approach became the basis for the 6-week Blue Mind Curriculum Certification Course, which continues to equip therapists and wellness practitioners with the knowledge and tools to harness water as a therapeutic ally.

Blue Mind Curriculum certification course

Current Research with the Hanley Treatment Center

Allison’s work continues to evolve as she partners with the Hanley Treatment Center to scientifically validate the therapeutic benefits of Blue Mind practices.

The current pilot study is focused on testing the feasibility of an 8-week Blue Mind Curriculum in clinical treatment settings for individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, and substance use disorders. The goal is to assess whether structured Blue Mind-based interventions can:

Decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression
Reduce cravings and improve addiction recovery outcomes
Increase feelings of connection, empathy, and overall well-being

Using both qualitative and quantitative research methods, this study tracks participants’ progress through validated tools, including:

  • PHQ-9 (Patient Health Questionnaire for Depression)
  • Cravings Scale (Assessing desire and urges related to addiction recovery)
  • Psychological Well-Being Scale (Measuring overall emotional and mental health)

This research represents a significant step in establishing Blue Mind Therapy as an evidence-based intervention, offering clinicians and wellness professionals a new, science-backed approach to mental health treatment.

Blue Mind Therapy in Practice

Practical Applications & The Future of Blue Mind Therapy

One of the simplest yet most powerful applications of Blue Mind research is the “Bluescription”—a daily practice of spending at least 23 minutes near, in, on, or under water to support mental well-being. This method has been shown to lower stress hormones, increase feel-good neurochemicals, and enhance overall emotional balance.

As Blue Mind research expands, Allison remains committed to advancing its reach in therapy, healthcare, and education. Whether through her clinical research, training of practitioners, or direct client work, her mission is to ensure that water is recognized as one of the most accessible, effective, and natural healing resources available.

By carrying forward the research she began with Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, Allison is ensuring that his groundbreaking insights continue to inspire, heal, and transform lives.

Blue Mind Therapy on the beach
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